some of the things AmazingAbigailGraces uses in her daily life with Cerebral Palsy
Some of our most frequent questions are about the equipment and the tools that we implement for Abby to be independent. Here is the list of some of our absolute favorites.
🦽Wheelchair: Permobil TiLite Pilot
We got Abby's wheelchair through her insurance a couple of years ago. We went through NuMotion and her physical therapist to find the perfect fit for her! If I had any advice on this process, it would be to ADVOCATE for every single thing that you want because you can only have a wheelchair covered by insurance once every 5+ years. If I could go back, I would have changed a few things about her chair before we received it. This was a big thing to learn on!
🩼 Crutches: Walk Easy Forearm Crutches Full Cuff
Abby started out using Inspired by Drive crutches but we recently switched to Walk Easy and have been loving them! Their website allows you to order your pieces straight from them online as well. They have a lovely color selection, which Abby was thrilled about. Also, they provide plenty of accessories/replacement part options.
🛏 Bedding: Beddy's Bed-Ease Zipper Bedding
(EM&KIDS for 15% OFF)
Our biggest goal for Abby has always been independence. @beddys zipper bedding has made such a huge impact in Abby's daily life. It has allowed her to be independent when making and unmaking her bed in the morning and at night all by herself!!
🍓 KITCHEN ITEMS: Over The Sink Colander
We are really intentional about having miscellaneous items around our home that make daily tasks accessible for Abby to complete on her own, without having to ask for help. This colander actually comes into use on a daily basis when she wants to use the sink to wash her own fruit for a snack! The one we are using is from IKEA but I did not see it online anymore so I liked one from Amazon as well.
🚿 BATHING ASSIST: Removable Shower Head
🍴KITCHEN ITEMS: Adaptive Cutting Tool
💓 PHYSICAL THERAPY: Peanut Ball for Core Strength + Balance
🌈 ADAPTIVE ITEM: Charm Wrist Lanyard - These allow Abby to carry things while still using her crutches!
🤏🏻 FINE MOTOR SORTING: Tweezer/Fine Motor Sorting
💘 FINE MOTOR: Barbies + Accessories